Thursday, May 13, 2010

WIth Love Nancy and Sandra

We are so shocked at Zoe’s death and are concerned and troubled about Shira and Caleb. I lost my mom last year and have tears in my heart every day. I am old enough to have lost my mother and my mother was old enough to die. I can't imagine what Zoe's children are going through being swept away from all that is familiar without their mother to protect them.

We have known Zoe since she was a miserable 19 year old student at University of Chicago through thick to toned, through cluster headaches to precious and fleeting health, through her family of origin to the utter joy she shares with Shira and Caleb. She has blossomed and become her best self. She has created a wonderful life for Shira and Caleb and herself.

If we are chosen, Sandra and I would be honored to raise Shira and Caleb. As Zoe knows, we have always wanted to be parents and know that our love for one another, our individual and combined triumphs and trials, our love for everyday adventure, and our love for nurturing our nieces and nephews and our friends’ children will allow us to excel, even if we are not experienced. We loved being Shira’s aunties when she lived here, and missed that opportunity with Caleb.

We were almost there when Zoe had Shira. Sandra spiked a fever in the middle of it all (in the birthing center). I took Sandra home and the birth was over before I returned. Susan Rosenberg was the coach as she had given birth to four children. We remember when Zoe found out she was carrying Caleb– she laughed that she had a penis. It may have been at that time, we talked about being guardians. It was just conversation, but we are so touched that she committed to this in writing.

Finally, I found my great grandfather's prayer book while my mother was dying and I will bring that with me to Zoe's memorial. Memories are a blessing.
We love you, Zoe.
Nancy and Sandra

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